A sugary dilemma!!

So this weekend is my future sister in laws hen do. I’m chief bridesmaid , and have been arranging this since February. Now I know there is going to be sugar involved!!! I haven’t had anything sugary in virtually 5 months, and I can’t believe I am saying this…but I am feeling a little bit uncomfortable about it. Since January I have managed meals out, family parties, trips away, and days out and stuck to the sugar free plan!! Now I am going to be in position of maybe having something sweet.

The old me would have had this date circled in the diary as a date to pig out, binge, and blow the diary. But my experiences of the last few months have totally changed my mind set. I am looking at ways I can limit what I do have. Thankfully I’m not much of a drinker. I am now very aware of how addictive sugar can be , and I don’t want to be lured back into my sugary ways again!!

So I am going to do my best to limit what I have this weekend. I am determined just to keep it to this one occasion, and my brothers wedding in 3 weeks. Realistically though if I am looking to continue this long term which I really hope to, then these one off occasions are going to happen. So I need to find a way to deal with it. So how??? Well this is what I have in mind:

  • Plan, and prepare
  • Stick to this one event
  • Not beat myself up about it
  • Think?? Am I eating this because I will enjoy it? Or am I eating it for the sake of it??
  • Do what feels right at the time
  • Remember how far I have come, and remind myself of why I am doing this
  • Remember I have a choice to what I eat/drink
  • Remember there is no fail in this plan, because I am making choices. NOT following rules
  • Relax, have fun, and enjoy. And remember tomorrow is a brand new day with no mistakes in. A clean page to begin again!!

Week 20!!! And I am no longer a slave to the scales!!!

So I’ve made it to week 20!!! I can’t quite believe it but I’ve done it!!  I am just amazed at the results, how going sugar free has totally changed my outlook on food, and most surprisingly how I see this as a long term thing!!! As cliche as this sounds it has been a total change of lifestyle, and I can’t tell you how much I HATE to admit that!!! 6 months ago I would have run a mile at the thought of sugar free, or anything related to it. Now I am banging the drum or tambourine for a sugar free lifestyle. I have to say I am beginning to wondering if there is something wrong with me!!!

Besides the weight loss, and positive physical changes in the last 20 weeks there has been another big break through. I am no longer a slave to the scales. In fact in many ways it is better than the sugar free thing, though if it wasn’t for the sugar free journey it wouldn’t have happened.

For years as I have battled with my weight , I have also battled with the scales!! In fact I have been a slave to them. Every time I have gone into the bathroom, I am sure they have given me the evils!!! lol. I have gone to slimming groups, and held my breathe every time I have weighed in . You know the times when you have eaten rubbish all week, and then get on the scales hoping and praying a miracle will happen, and you will lose 10lbs. Or the weeks you have been really good and gained!! Then I am embarrassed to say there are the times I didn’t eat before I weighed in. Or even worse I weighed my clothes to see which was lightest to wear to weigh in. I got completely hung up on what the scales said!! I at times weighed myself on a daily basis. Scales had a habit of knocking my confidence, and self esteem. It is amazing the effect the number the scales says can have on you!!

The scales were a habit I desperately wanted to break besides the sugar. When I first gave up sugar, I didn’t weigh myself for the first 6 weeks. That was really tough at first, but I did it. Between weeks 6 and 8 my body shape changed dramatically, and being curious I got on the scales . But I wish I hadn’t. Despite a dramatic change in shape, and my clothes being much looser the numbers on the scales were exactly the same. I was really disheartened at the time but I wasn’t going to let it beat me. I weighed myself a few weeks later , and had just lost 2lbs. I can’t actually remember the last time I weighed myself. But do you know what?? !! I feel so totally liberated. I have taken control back from the scales. THEY DON’T CONTROL ME ANYMORE…..YIPEE!!! I can’t tell you how liberating that feels. So am I worried about gaining weight?? No. Because I let my clothes, and the tape measure be my guide to weight loss. And another great guide is photos….the camera really does never lie. So I’ve kind of kept a photo diary of my progress, in the form of lots of selfies. It is a great record of how far I have come!!

I will weigh myself again, but very little. On the 5th June I will have done this for 5 months, and I would love to know how much I have lost. So I will weigh myself then out of curiosity. I have learnt now if you eat right you don’t need the scales!! In fact the best of it is I don’t actually know how much I weigh at the moment. I just know my clothes are so much looser, I have lost 3-4 inches around my waist, and dropped about 2 dresses. It really is a good feeling!!!


Sugar blocks

So sugar blocks …..what are they?! Sugar blocks are like road blocks they are the things that get in the way , when you are on a journey!! In the past I have found the sugar free variety can get in the way. So many times in my life I have avoided giving up sugar because of all the potential blocks. I realise now they were blocks I put in my way!! Everyone will probably their own sugar blocks. These were some of mine!!

  • It’s too hard
  • It’s not very social
  • I can’t do it
  • I won’t ever get to eat sugar again
  • I like sugar too much
  • What will I do? How will I cope?
  • It’s not the right time
  • I have a special event coming up, I can’t start till after that
  • What about the rest of the family? If I give up sugar I will have to sit and watch them eat it!!
  • I can’t cope with sugar detox
  • What will people think
  • What if I fail??


So those were the thoughts I had lived with, and that had prevented me from giving up sugar before. So how did I change that, and get rid of the sugar blocks. Several reasons , firstly I knew I had to lose weight, and this time it had to be tough love. I then realised I didn’t have to follow a plan!!! I didn’t have to do it somebody else’s way, I could do it my way!! That way there was no way I could fail. Not only that I could do it at my own pace in a way that felt comfortable to me!!

So here are some sugar block solutions!!!!

  • Sit down and think about a way that works for you!!
  • Do it in small steps. Just cutting out one sugary item will make a difference
  • Cut down on sugary/fizzy drinks
  • Cut down on cereal
  • Reduce how much chocolate you have. If you have 2 bars a day , just have one
  • Start making your own food, and experimenting in the kitchen!! That way you know exactly what is going into your foods!!
  • Look at your diets, and what you are eating. How much sugar is in your diet every day??
  • Think of this as a short term plan, take it small steps at a time, and don’t think of it as giving up sugar forever!!
  • Instead of looking at all the things that might go wrong, or the negatives. Think about the difference it could make to your life
  • Before saying no, why not give it a go for just 2 weeks!! You might surprise yourself!!





Being active!

Hopefully the title to this blog post hasn’t already put you off!!

I am not a natural sports person. In fact I am not traditionally sporty. I certainly didn’t give up sugar to become more active or sporty. It was hard enough giving sugar up, let alone getting all active and sporty. However giving up sugar has given more energy, and made we want me to be more active.

I don’t mean that I have suddenly gone rushing down to the gym to sign up. Or taken up a rigorous sports regime. Being active has just crept up on me. I have come realise that when you eat better, you feel better, and you feel like you just want to get up and go!! I am a big fan of Winnie the Pooh. So the way I would describe it is, it is like Winnie the Pooh giving up honey , and turning into Tigger!!

When I first gave up sugar, I just decided I wanted to increase my daily step count. So I just put on some of my favourite tunes, and started dancing at home. As time has gone on I have re discovered my enjoyment of going for walks. If I don’t have enough time, to go for a longer walk I change the route.

Last year I took on an allotment. Due to various circumstances, I didn’t do much to it and was beginning to wonder about giving it up. I am so glad I didn’t because I am just starting to enjoy. Getting out in the fresh air, and enjoying nature can be really therapeutic. Plus I now have the added bonus of growing my own fruit, and vegetables. So there is no excuse for me not to eat healthily.

So giving up sugar doesn’t mean you have to suddenly get active. You can still enjoy many health benefits from going sugar free, without busting a gut at the gym. However it can leave you bursting with energy!!

Here are a few ways to keep active without a trip to the gym, or an exercise class!

  • Dancing at home. Yes! It’s that simple. Put on some of your favourite tunes, crank the music up, and dance!
  • Housework!! I know it sounds boring but if you put on some music, and get cleaning think of how many calories you can burn.
  • Dog walking is really a great way to get active. If you haven’t got a dog maybe you can offer to walk a dog for a friend.
  • Leave the car at home, and walk. Get those endorphins going!!
  • Gardening. Enjoy the great out doors!!
  • Do what makes you feel good.
  • Have fun. Exercise , and being active doesn’t have to be boring!! Stuck in the rut of the same old exercise. Why not change what you do?
  • Find a buddy to keep you company.

How negative comments of others can influence our eating.

I was all set to write a totally different blog post tonight. Then one of my face book memories popped up, which inspired me to change it.

Something I have come to realise in recent years is how the words of others have influenced how I see myself, my body image, and even finding comfort in sugar. Whilst we all have a choice, we all human with our own set of experiences, and the words of others have an impact on us. Recently I have realised that in some ways this has effected my eating patterns , and the amount of sugar I have eaten.

I was 14 years old when the Dr suddenly decided was overweight, and should go on a diet. This was back in the 1980’s, and imagine it wouldn’t happen these days. I wasn’t particularly overweight, however I was deemed in need of a diet. So I was put on a strict diet, and every week my mum took me to the Dr’s to weigh in! In it was a horrible experience, and has shaped my negative beliefs today. I had a similar experience about 5 and a half years ago, when a Dr demanded I got on the scales in front of them. I felt small, fat, and the worst I could possibly feel. I strongly believed at the time that I had an underactive thyroid. Thankfully I was vindicated 6 months later, as tests revealed I did. Though this didn’t stop me from leaving the Dr’s surgery in bits. Unless anyone has ever struggled with weight issues, I don’t think it is possible to truly understand.

I’m not sure about anyone else but when others left me feeling rubbish, it fuelled my sugar consumption. Sugar some how eased the pain. However the more sugar I ate , the more miserable I felt , it was a perpetual cycle. I was trapped, it appeared that sugar , or so I thought was the only thing that would heal my pain. A few years ago I was at a b and b in Burton on Trent, West Midlands chomping through a bag of haribo when I realised I was comfort eating. To avoid shedding the tears, and feeling the pain I would stuff lots of sugar in my mouth. Following this I managed to stop comfort eating but still ate sugar. However since doing this, I have started looking at, why I have eaten so much sugar over the years, how it makes me feel, and what has caused it. I look back, and realise whilst I did enjoy some sugar, I didn’t actually enjoy it all. The negative comments of others caused me you develop, a negative image of myself. What I have come to realise is if you eat rubbish you will feel rubbish. One of the reasons I have eaten rubbish, is because have left me feeling that way. Giving up sugar has also helped me to re evaluate my relationships, and look at how others treat me. Is my relationship with anyone fuelling my sugar consumption? If that person wasn’t in my life causing me to feel rubbish, would I be eating quite so much sugar.

I am not for a minute blaming anyone for my choice to eat sugar, and rubbish over the years. However when people feel vulnerable it is very easy to be shaped by the negative comments of others, and end up feeling rubbish.We all have the ability to have an amazing life, do incredible things, and absolutely have the right to feel good about ourselves. Self esteem is of course not all based on what we eat, however I do believe it plays a part.



What too much sugar can do!!

I have talked a few times about different types of sugar, and I will explore this further another time. But basically for me there are two types the good stuff, and the bad stuff!! Today I am going to touch on the bad stuff, and the affects it can have . I know how boring!!! Why spoil the taste of a tasty bar or chocolate, or a yummy bit of home made lemon drizzle by contemplating the darker side of sugar!! Up until a few months ago I would have thought exactly the same. I would have stuck my fingers in my ears, and gone la la la la VERY, VERY loudly!!

The last few months have been nothing short of an education for me, I still don’t know loads about sugar. But I have learnt a little , and also seen first hand the changes to me as a result of giving up sugar. I am by no means, an expert but I do have a much greater understanding an awareness sugar can have physically and emotionally on someone.

So all this sugar eat. What are the risks of too much sugar in our diet?

  • Increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, personally I would also suggest strokes, and other serious illnesses. But I am not a Dr, or health professional
  • Tooth decay
  • Weight gain-obesity
  • Disturbed sleep patterns
  • Skin / hair conditions
  • Anxiety, and stress
  • Depression/ mood swings
  • Lack of concentration
  • No energy
  • Lacking in motivation
  • Darkness around eye area
  • Increased risk of candida
  • Fuels illnesses such as M.E (chronic fatigue.) I myself have had M.E twice. Whilst I was in denial at the time about sugar fueling the M.E, I now firmly believe that it will have an affect on the condition.


As I keep saying I am not a medical health professional, or alternative therapy practioner. So I am in no way saying this is what will happen if you have too much sugar. However what I have read, and my own experiences would suggest these are just some of the things that might occur if people continually eat too much sugar. Of course everybody is different, so people will feel the effects of eating too much sugar in different ways, and of course some lucky people might not be effected at all!!



Amazing results in just 4 months!!

So yesterday marked 4 months since I went Practically Sugar Free. I am really proud of what I achieved so far, and I still cannot believe I am doing this!! I was the Queen of Sugar, so I really HATE to say this BUT…….going practically sugar free really does work!! Both my physical, and emotional well being has improved incredibly in the last 4 months. In fact I have been amazed by the results, and I know others have noticed the changes too. The other day I bumped into a lady I first met nearly 30 years ago. I hadn’t seen her for some time, and her words to me were ‘you look so happy, and well.’ I really believe that giving up sugar is the reason for this. So okay I hear you saying, what’s changed??


  • I’ve lost weight
  • I’ve lost inches, and my shape has changed significantly
  • My skin, and hair is in better condition
  • I have more energy
  • I feel calmer, and worry less
  • I am more motivated
  • I want to be active, and doing things
  • No more sugar cravings
  • I feel happier, and more relaxed
  • I am more confident, willing to put myself out there , and try new things
  • Better sleep patterns


All these improvements, and all I gave up was sugar!!

So has it been worth it ? YES!! Will I continue? YES!!

Would I recommend it……ABSOLUTELY!!


Hidden Sugars…how much sugar are you really eating?!

  • I have touched on hidden sugars before, but thought I would do a blog post on it today. Sugar in food can be an absolute mine field , or at least that is what I have come to discover. We all know about the obvious sugars, the cakes , biscuits, chocolates, sweets, and yummy deserts . But how many of us really know about the amount of hidden sugars in food. Until I started this I wasn’t very aware, in fact I avoided sugar awareness. Blind ignorance can be a wonderful thing. However when I started this sugar free journey, I quickly became aware of hidden sugars in the everyday foods I had eaten.What I discovered I have found shocking. All those items I would enjoy , and think of as healthy were not as healthy as I thought. Baked beans, soups, ‘healthy’ muesli cereals to name a few , all had a shocking amount of sugar in them. I firmly believe this is where people can without knowing had to their daily sugar consumption. There has been a lot in the press recently about sugar in jars, and packets of foods, and I have certainly found this to be true.

So what do we do about hidden sugars, how do we know they are their. Unfortunately not all food products carrying the word sugar on them , so it isn’t always easy to know when sugar is added to a product.But as boring as it might sound in my experience it certainly pays to read the label. When looking up sugars on the food labels, these are just a few of the alternative words manufacturers use for sugar.

  • Agave syrup/nectar
  • Molasses
  • Glucose
  • Corn, and malt syrup
  • Lactose/Fructose
  • Syrup
  • Fruit juice
  • Sugar substitute

These are just a few of the words that might be used to indicate there is sugar in a product. As many of you will know , I am not super strict. But I do my best to ensure that I am practically sugar free. I do eat fruit, and occasionally use marmalade, ketchup, and salad cream. But I always read the packet now. I know it sounds boring!! But 4 months into this journey, I have realised that you can’t always rely on something looking healthy, to actually be healthy. Hidden sugars in foods is a real minefield, and I am certainly no expert but this has been my experience of them.