Sugar free September..A Fresh New Start!!

It’s been a while since I last wrote…again!! When I started this blog would you believe I did 2 small posts everyday!! Then everyday, then weekly, and now when I get the chance. It doesn’t mean, I’m any less committed, it’s just hard to juggle everything in life sometimes. Though I am sure some of you might relate to that. In fact I guess this could just as easily relate to dieting and eating plans. They start of with great enthusiasm, and then time carries on life happens, and our original enthusiasm can dwindle. I hasten to add I still have enthusiasm, it’s just I am really busy with other work. I am hoping at some point in the future, I will be able to give more time to this.

September certainly in the UK has a back to feel school about it, I think that’s the case no matter how old you are. It’s an opportunity for new beginnings, a fresh start, and to wipe the slate clean. It’s a chance to press the re start button. Last week I celebrated a milestone birthday, my 50th!! I still can’t believe that I have made it to half a century!! A lot of changes have occurred to me over the last 10 years, one of the key ones is me going practically sugar free. Many of you will have heard mention how much going sugar free has changed my life. But when I look back 10 years I am reminded of how much of an impact it has had. I’ve shared a then and now picture of me to give you an idea of that change. The first is me on my 40th birthday, and the second last week on my 50th birthday.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, closeup

When I was 40, I had just finished uni as a mature student, I had an undetected/unmedicated thyroid condition, and SUGAR was my comfort. It was in fact my crutch. I prided myself that I didn’t do drugs, had never smoked, very rarely drank alcohol, and walked everywhere. The truth was SUGAR was having a hugely negative impact on my health both physically and emotionally. Yet I was oblivious! How could I have been so oblivious?? I guess the truth is, and not just for me. But for many, that food issues don’t just happen overnight they develop over a period of time. Many of you will have read previous blog posts where I have referred to this.

Firstly I am not for a minute I am saying that I have got this whole thing sussed! Because I would suggest I am a work in progress! Certainly in the last year or so I haven’t policed the sugar quite as much as I could. BUT and this is for me the wonderful thing…I AM AWARE OF THIS, AND ABOVE ALL I AM IN CONTROL OF THIS!!

Ten years ago I would have gone through this whole process of eating SO MUCH SUGAR, feeling miserable and disgusted with myself, then gaining weight, then feeling depressed, then eating SUGAR to stop feeling miserable. Then on top of that not fitting into clothes, or evening worse trying on clothes and them not fitting in a changing room. The wonderful thing about going practically SUGAR FREE for me has been, accepting myself as I am, not comfort eating, feeling fat, and not going into changing rooms and leaving in tears because nothing fits.

For over 34 years I struggled with food and weight issues. As I look back much of these were based on beliefs that had been based around other peoples comments, what I had been told, and my experiences. In my experience there are a lot of rules, and do’s and don’ts around food, health and wellbeing. Some of it can be helpful, and yes taking caring of both of our physical and emotional wellbeing is so important. However I believe some this can also have a negative impact on our relationship with food. Many of my experiences were based around people’s negative comments, and also my feel of failing. In fact I had no control over my eating, and weight. I let situations or others control it. The moment I took control of my relationship with food was the moment, I started feeling better about myself.

So as we head into September, maybe it’s a good time to take stock and consider what impacts your eating habits? What controls them? What is your relationship with food/eating? Above all are you happy with where you are at in life, and with your eating habits?

If the answer is NO, could now be a good time to make some changes, adjustments and re educate ourselves on our eating patterns. I always say we are our best teachers, we know ourselves better than anyone else.

If 10 years ago anyone had suggested to me how my life would have changed I would have never believed them. If I can do this, then I really believe anyone can! It took me just 6 weeks to see the positive changes from going PRACTICALLY SUGAR FREE, and you could too!! Even better there is not financial cost involved it’s free!!! All you need to do is invest in yourself!