
As many of you might know I am a big fan of walking. I really believe that this along with quitting sugar are the most important things that you can do for your physical, and emotional wellbeing. I really believe walking is an underestimated exercise, and I encourage everyone to get out, and walk!

Firstly walking is FREE!!!! Which means no big expense. Bonus!!!! You don’t need any special equipment for it either.

It is a great way of clearing your head, and de stressing. It also get’s the endorphins going.

Depending on what you prefer walking can be a social, or solitary activity.

There are so many beautiful places to walk.

You can incorporate walking into your day. If you don’t have time to walk, why not park further away, and walk to work? Walk up the stairs instead of taking the lift? Or if you are stuck at home , why not walk around the garden? If you have a dog why not let him walk you a bit further!! Ha ha.

The more you walk the easier it gets. Because I don’t drive I walk a lot. However it has always been a bit of an effort. As some of you might remember I have signed up to do a walking marathon in September. Getting motivated has been a bit of a challenge!! But it is getting easier, I have gradually been building up the distance I have walked. Just a few weeks ago I managed 10 miles, and I am really pleased to say this weekend I managed 18 and a half miles. So if you are looking for an easy way to exercise, I encourage you to give walking a go. If you are struggling to find motivation, why not give one of the many charity walks a go. So not only will you be walking , and getting exercise, but you will be raising money a great cause!







Very sadly I have had to cancel this event. Despite much positive feedback , and interest in my last workshops, I just haven’t been able to generate interest this time. So with just two weeks to go I have had to make a decision. I really believe there is a need for sugar free workshops, and I am still passionate about raising awareness about sugar. I’m not a quitter, and this has been a really tough decision for me to make. I would really have liked to have run it but with just two weeks to go, I had to be realistic and make a decision. I very much hope in the future to run another one. Last year running a sugar free workshop was a dream, this year I made it a reality. So for that part I am really proud to have done that, and by doing so I helped inspire others to quit sugar. I will continue to do this blog and my facebook page, whilst looking for other ways I can raise awareness of sugar free living. Thank you everyone for your interest, and support . It is very much valued, and appreciated. X X

Another Sugar Free Week.

So I am the first to admit this sugar free thing isn’t easy. In fact recently I have found it more of a challenge than I have done.

I made the dreadful mistake last week of getting on the scales. Something I tend to avoid. To my horror I had gained 2lbs, and to anyone like me that has battled with weight, will know 2lbs might just as well be 2 stone!! So I felt depressed, and fed up. Yes, I did have an ice cream last weekend, and whilst away as I previously mentioned in my blog. However I am still continuing my sugar free regime apart from that. Nothing has changed, all I can do is put it down to that time of the month. Regardless it’s left me feeling down hearted. But I am determined not to be beaten. I have seen incredible results, and going sugar free has absolutely changed my life so I’m not going to let this get to me.

Yesterday I am really pleased to say that I managed a 13 mile walk as part of my marathon walk training in September. So I am really pleased about that. However whilst stopping off for cuppa somewhere, I was reminded of how tough it is to avoid sugar. There was so much sugary food there, and no sugar free alternative. Unless you had a sandwich. I have said this before, and I will say it again. It is such a shame that there are no sugar free alternatives. It’s not rocket science, and I am sure many people would be interested in buying them. Not everyone wants to go out, and eat loads of sugar. It would be nice to have a sugar free treat option.

So last week I really put myself out there. I emailed a couple of the local papers to let them know about my sugar free journey, this blog, the fb page, and sugar free workshops. I would love to raise awareness of the impact of sugar, and provide support to others who want to give up sugar. What I find surprising is there is support for those trying to quit alcohol, drugs, or smoking. Yet, for those who want to quit sugar, I’m not aware of anything being available. Given that reports suggest sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine, it saddens me that more is not done to support others in going sugar free. So I am on a mission to raise aware of the impact sugar can have on emotional, and physical wellbeing. Also do what I can to provide others with support. I might not change the world but maybe I might change a little corner of it. If anyone feels able to help me with this mission, please feel free to spread the word about this blog, my fb page or workshops. Or if you see a post here that might help a friend please feel free to share it. Thank you. x x

Mental blocks, and changing your mind set.

Believe it or not giving up sugar is more than just deciding one day, I’m going to quit sugar! (If only it were that simple!) Unfortunately for many people including myself eating sugary/sweet foods goes far beyond just putting it in our mouth.

Mind sets are developed over periods of time often years. They usually develop from our past experiences, or those things that others have said you us. Mind sets are tough to break, I speak from experience. I certainly had to dig deep to break some of the mind sets which had developed within me over the years. However they are not impossible to break, and once you break that mind set the experience can be liberating. So I know this is the bit where everyone says how do I change my mind set. The truth is, I wish I knew. There is no one straight answer, and everyone of us will have a different one!

For quitting sugar my mind set, and motivation were I didn’t want to be the FATTEST bridesmaid at my brothers wedding!! I had 6 months to shift some serious pounds, and the cheapest , and hopefully most effective way I could do it was to quit sugar. However I realise not everyone will have a wedding to motivate them. At the moment I am in the process of facing some other challenges, that have highlighted some mental blocks I have. This has in turn led me to think how can I change my mind set, how can I break through the massive big road block that is in my way, and achieve what I want too!! This is requiring some serious thinking on my part!! I realise that I am the only one that can change this, but how do I do this??!! I want the end result, but the work in between seems impossible.

Many of you will know I have signed up to do a walking marathon in London, in September to raise money for the Stroke Association in memory of my late grandmother. I have always wanted to do a marathon, I want to do this in memory of my gran, and I want the feeling of the end result. I even enjoy walking. BUT I have a mental block to it! I’ve been contemplating this mental block, and realise part of the block has come from all these long held beliefs I have , that have developed over many years. Beliefs that have stemmed from comments from others , or negative past experiences. In that they have created the mind set that is stopping me, or blocking me from achieving that goal. Crazy isn’t it that all those things are controlling me, and have power over me all these years later. Yet , they have all snowballed together to create this massive big crater blocking me from achieving my goal. My dad who used to tell me I was useless, and cackhanded when I couldn’t catch a ball properly. My sports teacher who hounded , and bullied me in sports lessons. Being forced to do cross country when I had undiagnosed health issues, on cold winter mornings, and pretty much coming last. Being laughed at and sneered at by others. Having that friend that was sportier , and more attractive than me. Being sneered at by an ex for my general lack of confidence. Well you get the picture, I am sure many of you have had mind sets developed from your own similar experiences.

But the truth is we are allowing all these things to hold power over us often many years later! I know I am !! Even writing like this I am thinking, why on earth am I letting all these people, and experiences have control, and power over me. I should be walking every mile of that marathon taking control back, from all those that have contributed to my negative mind set. I had a counsellor once that said to me if someone asked you to carry their shopping bags would you, if you were still holding yours. Well probably not! So my thought for you would be if all those that had contributed to your negative mind set, and experiences asked you to carry all their very heavy shopping bags, whilst you were still carrying your own, would you?!

So everyone as I set about breaking my negative mind set, in the hope of crossing the finish line after my marathon on the 23rd September, I encourage you to give everyone their shopping bags back, and making yours a bit lighter, by getting rid of some of your negatives. Good luck everyone.

I know there are so many sponsored events these days, and so many good causes. But if you feel able to support me it would be gratefully appreciated. Here is the link to my just giving page.
