SUGAR FREE ADVENT CALENDAR!!! I have just had a brain wave, and it doesn’t happen very often, so I thought I would share. Tomorrow is the start of advent, what about a sugar free advent calendar? You could include a sugar free snack, an inspiring quote, pens and pencils, anything to help on your PRACTICALLY SUGAR FREE JOURNEY. It doesn’t of course have to be a calendar , you could be as creative as you like. Would love to hear if you give this a go. 24 days of PRACTICALLY A SUGAR FREE ME INSPIRATION!!

The benefits of beetroot!!

Re sharing a post from this summer. Yes summer, I know if you are shivering in the UK, the summer might seem like a VERY long time ago!! This post is all about the benefits of beetroot. BRAND NEW BLOG POST COMING SOON!!! If you haven’t already why not check out my PRACTICALLY SUGAR FREE FACEBOOK PAGE, for all sorts of interesting sugar free related bits, and pieces. Have a lovely evening everyone. xx

Practically A Sugar Free Me

When he came to thinking about my next blog post, I didn’t think I would end up writing about the benefits of beetroot!!!! Well, that’s exactly what I am going to post about today. As I have said before I am not a Dr, health professional, and I don’t have a medical or nutritional background. So whatever I post is purely what I have read , or learnt from others. But I always hope to raise awareness through this blog,  to get people thinking, and exploring for themselves.

So beetroot well the thing that caught my eye was…..IT RIDS SUGAR CRAVINGS!!!!! Well that can’t be a bad thing. I have now overcome my sugar cravings, yes they do eventually go!!!! But in the early days of quitting sugar those cravings can be a challenge!!! Beetroot also keeps blood sugar under control too. So it sounds like a win , win…

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So it’s been a while since my last blog post. I have so much going on at the moment. Getting ready to move, applying for new jobs, was away last weekend, and came crashing down with the worst case of the flu as soon as I got of the train. To anyone else that has a bad case of the flu at the moment, I empathise! It totally wiped me out last week, and I’m still rather fragile now. So what has this all got to do with my practically sugar free journey?! Well quite a bit.

Two years ago if I had been faced with all I am currently going through, I would have been grabbing anything sugary, and sweet. Either because I ‘needed’ it, or felt I ‘deserved’  it to name a few reasons. But in reality, I didn’t, and faced with all the challenges I am experiencing at the moment I feel pretty proud about that. Yes, I have had a couple of ice creams, but overall my eating habits are drastically different to how they were. I know it’s hard to believe how come someone be so hooked on sugary foods, then not be! I still struggle with that one myself.

In reality eating , and cravings for sugar I don’t believe are just a physical thing. Part of quitting the sugar habit is understanding why we eat what we eat, and when we eat it? Do we eat for comfort, habit, in anger, for control? I really believe once we get a grip, and understanding of why we eat this sweet stuff, then we can deal with our sugar cravings, and eating habits. It might taste nice, smell nice, and look attractive, yet I don’t think any of us are born thinking I need something sweet! This suggests to me that sugar is food that we develop a desire for out of our experience of eating something sweet. I’m not sure people gain quite the same desire from eating Brussel Sprouts! I certainly don’t!!

If something tastes good to us, I would suggest we are going to want more of it, and in turn are likely to turn to it for comfort, and so on. This is purely my thought based on my personal experience, and counselling background. However the wonderful thing with thought processes, and mind sets is WE HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE THEM!! YES, WE DO!! HOW?! Simply by taking the power back, acknowledging you are not happy where you are at, and being open to change, and new experiences. I bet some of you are wondering is it that simple. I can promise you it is!

How many of you have got into the habit of having something sweet?

How many of you have it for a treat, or reward because you think you deserve it?

How many comfort, or emotionally eat?

How many of you just can’t be bothered, and don’t have the time?


If the answer is yes to all,some , or one of these, guess what??!! YOU HAVE THE ABILITY OF GOING SUGAR FREE IF YOU SO WISH!!!!!!!!!! How does that feel? You have the power to do this? Not only do you have the power to do this, YOU CAN QUIT SUGAR!!!

Firstly remember to breathe!! Unlike water we don’t need sugar to survive.

In order to do this I encourage you to think about….




Once you have done that look at changes you can make to that. Just one small change can make a difference. So if you always reach for a chocolate bar a 3pm change the habit. If you always have fizzy drinks when you go out for a meal change it, or if you always eat something sweet while you are tucked away, eat when you are with someone.

There is still time before Christmas to reduce sugar, so why not give it a go?! As always this are only my thoughts, and suggestions, and if you do decide to quit sugar you need to find a way that works for you.


In just a few weeks time I will be moving 325 miles away , from the north to the south of the UK. As I am sure you can it’s a very busy time! So apologise if my blog, and this page don’t get updated as much as they normally do. Tonight I am re sharing a blog post I first shared last year, it’s all about breakfast. When first quitting sugar, re planning breakfast to eliminate sugary foods can be a bit of a nightmare. I hope you find this useful. Good luck! xx

Practically A Sugar Free Me

When I gave up sugar, I found breakfast became a bit of a challenge!! Firstly because there are SO many hidden sugars in breakfast cereals, and secondly when you are rushing for work it can be a bit of an effort. Without sounding like a broken record, breakfast is the best meal of the day! Especially when you are going sugar free it is important to fill yourself up, so you can avoid grabbing sugary snacks when you feel hungry later.

When you are thinking of going sugar free I encourage you to read the sugar content in foods, especially in cereals. I found it shocking to see how much sugar there was in my usual healthy no added sugar muesli!!

However over the past 11 months I have found so many other enjoyable options. One of them is my sugar free apple and cinnamon porridge, which I eat most…

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