5 year blog anniversary post!! Does the fear of failing put you off starting something new?!

So today marks the five year anniversary of when I launched this blog!! I really can’t believe it’s 5 years, I knew nothing about blogs, so from a technical perspective I remember what an achievement it felt to have set one up.

Why did I set one up?! 6 weeks after having gone practically sugar free I looked in my bathroom mirror, and was amazed by the changes I noticed. My eyes looked clearer, my hair looked in better condition, I had lost weight, my skin looked in better condition, I had more energy, and my stress levels had reduced. I remember being shocked that cutting out sugar had such a huge impact. I remember saying to my mum people need to know about this!! So I decided, to set up a blog. I remember thinking even if just a few people became more aware of the impact sugar ahead I would be pleased. Fast forward 5 years, and I have had thousands of people view this blog from around the world. Some of whom have told me that this has inspired them, I really can’t tell you how much that means to me. Because spreading awareness was the whole aim of this blog.

Out of the blog, I have a facebook page PRACTICALLY A SUGAR FREE ME, I have run some successful sugar free workshops, I’ve been interviewed by a radio station, and have had people contact me with their stories too. A few years ago this blog was even voted one of the top 5 sugar free blogs in the UK!! I have been overwhelmed by the interest and support that I have received from people. So to everyone thank you so much, I really am so grateful for all your support, I hope that you have found something of interest here.

Three years ago, I moved from the south to the north of the UK, life has changed a lot for me, and I haven’t been in a position to post as much on here. I hope though that I can perhaps start to give a little more time to this. Having been blogging for five years sometimes, I wonder what to put on here and I don’t want to sound like I am repeating stuff I have said before. However, I’m not sure about you but sometimes it’s good to be reminded of things, especially if like me you get stuck in a rut.

So that leads me on to what I wanted to blog about today….does the fear of failure put you off starting something new? When contemplating starting something new or trying something different, does the fear of failing or not being good enough block your way. It certainly does mine!!

Four years ago buoyed up by my first year of sugar free living, I signed up to do an online eating psychology coach course. I printed out all the materials, and was really excited and enthused about doing it. But then I looked at the assessments, doubt crept in and the seeds of doubt were planted!! There was no time limit on the course, so it has just sat in an inbox ready and waiting for me!! Life got in the way health, work, to moves one of them a big move, and multiple other things got conveniently in the way. But it niggled at me that I had done the course, I really would love to be an eating psychology coach, many of you will know that I work as a counsellor, so it would be wonderful to develop skills in this area. But I kept putting it off, until a couple of weeks ago when I decided that maybe I could ditch the doubt and maybe plant some seeds of opportunity!! So I spent one morning working solidly on the first module of the course submitted it, and within a week heard that I had passed the first module with 100%!! I couldn’t believe it. That 100% has inspired me to continue with the course. I spent 4 years in doubt, and within 4 hours and a bit of work planted the seeds of hope!!

So for any of you contemplating going SUGAR FREE, maybe making changes to your eating patterns, you have the power to change this. Yes, I know we are living in a difficult time right now, life has been turned upside down, and life circumstances might be far from ideal. But what I want to say to you is, even the smallest of changes can make a difference. The feel good factor when you achieve something can be incredible!

Simply cutting out one sugary item can make a difference. Six weeks is all it takes to see a difference when you go sugar free! Just 6 weeks!! If you are thinking, I would like to try this but I CAN’T! I wonder what might stop you?! Now if you so choose why not right down all your negative thoughts down that hold you back from reducing sugar. Now I encourage you to tear those thoughts up or burn them. Now get a fresh piece of paper and write down all the positive things you could gain from reducing sugar. Once you have done this, imagine you are these positives. Take time to think about how AMAZING you might feel in just 6 weeks time!! How does that feel for you? Might it be worth giving it a go?! I will share something with you, when I started this I did it on a trial basis I never imagined I would be doing this 5 years later.

This photograph shows you the difference that I saw in 6 weeks…For me it has been life changing! If you choose to give going sugar free a go, I wish you all the very best in your journey.

May be an image of 4 people and people smiling