What my sugar free journey has meant to me..

It’s been over 7 years now since I made the decision to go practically sugar free, and it occurred to me that it might helpful to share what this journey of self discovery has meant to me.

Over the years I have shared tip’s, idea’s, thought’s and recipe’s, yet I haven’t really touched too much on what this has meant to me. So, I thought today I would share a bit more about how I have found this experience.

The biggest surprise to me has got to be that after 7 years, yes 7 years I am still here blogging about my practically sugar free experience. This certainly wasn’t planned, it just happened!

For those that don’t know the back story to this.. in 2016 I was asked to be bridesmaid at my brothers wedding. At the time I wasn’t working and finances were tight, so I couldn’t afford to sign up to anything like slimming groups or gyms. I knew a friend that had given up sugar, and then had this wild idea that maybe I could try cutting out sugar for a 6 month ‘trial’ period until after the wedding. Please note the trial period part!! There was no intention on my part at that point of making it any longer!! Well, as you can see it did become longer!!

I have shared with you the incredible benefits both physically and emotionally, however it’s become far more than that to me.

I began to see food, and eating differently. I took control back over eating and other aspects of my life. This made a huge different. Up until that point in my life I found I was controlled by circumstances or situations particularly with eating or finances. I also tried to fit into a ‘box’ in life trying to reach goals, or targets that just weren’t achievable for me. I then beat myself up when I didn’t reach these, and thought myself a failure. It wasn’t until I realised that trying to fit myself into someone else’s plan, and expectations of what I should achieve that life changed. In a sense I found my freedom. I had been striving to achieve someone else’s plan or targets, which had been devised by someone totally different to me. So, I then changed my mindset to…how can I make this work for me? I rephrased my out look, there was no fail, it was just a question of choice. If a choice wasn’t a good one then I would change it next time.

I have more confident, self aware, and my own self beliefs are different. I think for a start I belief in myself so much more. Food is no longer my emotional support. I am no longer controlled or obsessed with it. Eating has become part of my life, not all of my life.

I have taken control in other areas of my life too, I set firmer boundaries, and I am more pro active in how I can make something work for me. I have more confidence, and I am more willing to try something new. I am more aware of being active, and how out self belief can impact our life changes. I havent weighed myself in 5 years, and I don’t worry about my weight or size I once did. In fact whilst I initially I was concerned about what I would give up food wise, the whole experience has been very free’ing. Rather than constricting me cutting out sugar has set me free. Leaving me far feeling far more free than I did before.

Once we change one thing in our life, other things can follow. A bit like a row of dominoes when one falls down they all gradually start to topple over. Change is a ripple effect, and I for one am glad of the ripples that have come from me going practically sugar free.