What I do eat!

So you might be surprised at this!!

Lets start the usual vegetables, fruit, fish, and meat (though I try to limit how much red meat I eat).

I do eat bread but I try to limit how much I have of it. I also look at how much sugar there is in it before I eat it. I have cut out crumpets, teacakes, English muffins etc.

Dairy..surprised?! I still eat butter, cream, cheese , creme fraiche,  etc. But like anything I keep to sensible portions. (I steer clear of margarine because of all the additives, butter is better). Eggs.

Crisps, and nuts (yes even peanuts).

Cream cracker, or similar biscuit with no or minimal sugar.

The best bit pizzas, burgers, fish and chips. Obviously not every day , and don’t over do it. But yes it works for me. Everyone has to have some treats.

Caffeine. Yes, I still enjoy my cups of tea. I’m not a coffee drinker though occassionally , I will have a latte.

Ketchup, and salad cream. Yes, I know it has sugar in! But I limit how much I have.


So there you go its not all doom and gloom on the food front. I actually get to eat, and enjoy! More importantly I never feel hungry!!