The foods I cut out

Bananas (I eat all fruit apart from these. I have read they contain several teaspoons of sugar)

Cakes , biscuits, chocolate, sweets, desserts , ready meals, and all processed food.

Jam. honey, maple syrup, golden syrup, peanut butter. (Though at the weekend I allow myself some marmalade on toast).

Breakfast cereals (Even the ‘healthy’ museli I used to have has loads of sugar in it).

Alcohol (Thankfully I am not much of a drinker, so this didn’t bother me too much).

Fizzy drinks (even diet ones, sorry!), fruit juices, hot chocolate , cocoa. Any drink with sugar in!

Fructose, sweeteners, sugar!




Finally, I think it is important to say I am not say I will never try any of these again. I chose to give this up willingly hopefully to loose some weight, and get fitter. Whatever you choose to eat, or not eat is at the day up to you!