The Sugar Habit!

When I first gave up sugar I realised that I had used sugar as comfort food, and I am sure was slightly addicted . However I also began to realise that sugar had also become a habit. A habit that when I quit sugar, I needed to break!

Over the years I got used to eating sugary sweet items. If mum, and I went out for a cuppa it would be accompanied by something naughty!! If I was celebrating I would go out, and buy something sweet. If I went out for a meal, the first place on the dessert menu I would look, would be the dessert menu! A trip to the cinema, would be a bag of caramel pop corn or ice cream. A miserable wet UK day, would mean hibernating with you guessed it sweet trips. There was always a reason , or an excuse for a sweet treat.

When I quit sugar I had to break the habits, which wasn’t easy to begin with. Everywhere I went I could smell sugar, or sugary foods were freely available. I also become aware when you are out , and about how hard it is to find sugar free food. Some habits can be really hard to break. Although I think I have broken the habit now, I do understand that for anyone starting this that it’s not an easy thing to do.

So how to break a sugar habit. It’s a shame that there is no standard answer. But some of the things that helped me break the habit have been: (I know some of you might have heard me mention these before. But I think it’s always good to be reminded

  • Planning ahead
  • Look for alternatives, whether it be alternative snacks or rewards. The one thing I decided when I started this was, I wasn’t going to miss out . I wanted hot cross buns, so I created my own. I still rewarded myself, but found other ways to do so
  • Find a distraction. Instead of drooling over that bar of chocolate or slice of cake, do something else. Go for a walk, read a book, stick some music on and dance, make some sugar free scones!!
  • Remind yourself how many grams of sugar are in foods. Get label savvy. I was totally shocked when I started reading the amount of sugar in foods
  • Think about WHY you fancy that sugary sweet treat. What is the trigger to you eating sugar?
  • Remind yourself of WHY you are doing it
  • Keep a sugar diary……how much sugar are you eating
  • Don’t beat yourself up if you have something sugary. REMEMBER there is no fail, and it’s about choice!! Your sugar habit has probably developed over years, so don’t expect it to vanish over night. I would say it took me about 4/5 months to break it.
  • Find a sugar free buddy


These are just a few ideas, and ideas that worked for me. We are all unique , and different. You will find your own way. But it is possible to break the sugar habit, though it’s not always easy. However if you really want to , you too can kick the sugar habit. Persistence really does pay off. Good luck with breaking the sugar habit!! xxx















Weight loss, and changing shape.

Today I thought I would write about the weight loss element of going sugar free. I have touched on this in other blogs. However with lots of articles in the press about weight loss. Also seeing friends weight loss stories pop up in my news feed, I thought it would be could to touch on this again.

Before I start I want to say I have met many lovely people over the years at slimming groups, and those who run slimming groups. So this is in no way a criticism of them. With anything in life, I always believe that we do the best we can with the tools/resources (physical, and emotional) we have at the time. I started my first ever slimming group around 2000. I lost 2 stone, went away happily. Stopped going, and partly due to an undetected under active thyroid gained some, and more. And so the process began. Lose weight put it on. Whilst I met some really lovely people, and I know that it works for some. I never really enjoyed or felt comfortable going. But I had to , or so I thought!!!

What I didn’t realise at the time was, I had begun to develop an unhealthy mind set to weight life. I have always been one of those people desperate to get it right, and who hate failing. So if I had what people might refer to as a bad week at the scales, when I weighed in at slimming, then it really bother me. Slowly I started watching what I ate the day before slimming, just to make sure I lost weight. Then it got to the point I would eat very little before I weighed in. Then I can’t believe I am saying this but I started weighing my clothes, so that I wore the lightest thing to slimming, to ensure weight loss. I know it is insane, but that’s how I ended up. Not just that, but I would weigh myself consistently. Every time I went to the bathroom, the scales gave me the evils. It is only over the last year since quitting sugar, that I have realised quite how controlled, I was by the whole slimming group process. Though in a little way, I do miss those slimmer of the week moments!!

Something else I realised when I went sugar free was just how much sugar, I was eating when I was following these slimming plans. I heard about calories , fat free etc, but I don’t remember anyone mention hidden sugar. So on these plans I would be eating baked beans, cereals, and fruit sugars. All supposedly healthy!! However they all had sugar in!!!

To be honest if I hadn’t been so short of cash when I needed to lose weight, I would probably have been still in the relentless of dieting even now!! However I quit sugar, and when I did , having read so many other sugar free plans/suggestions, I realised something else. I had been following plans that didn’t suit me. The plans were devised by someone else, someone who didn’t even know me. Some plans I didn’t really understand. There are some that recommend quitting sugar , but a few weeks later you can re introduce natural sugars like honey. For me that wouldn’t work. So that is why I devised my own plan, which I am really delighted to say has worked for me!!! IT HAS AT LEAST FOR ME PRODUCED REALLY AMAZING RESULTS , AND CHANGED MY LIFE. With regard to weight loss, and dieting these are the points to consider.




This is a change of lifestyle (you have no idea how much I HATE using that cliché) , but it’s true!!! This isn’t a fast track way to lose lbs. Sometimes you might not like what the scales say. But certainly from my experience the benefits can be overwhelmingly positive. I am no longer controlled by the scales, a diet plan that was written by someone else, for someone else. I HAVE TAKEN BACK CONTROL , AND I FEEL LIBERATED!!! I NO LONGER HAVE A BAD DAY FOOD WISE. BECAUSE I AM FOLLOWING A PLAN THAT WAS DEVISED BY ME, FOR ME I’M CHOOSING NOT FAILING!!! WHICH IS A WONDERFUL FEELING.

To all of you contemplating going sugar free, I would say this….My blog, and facebook page is quite simply a guide to what works for me. I encourage you to go out there read up, try out things. But above all DO IT YOUR WAY!!!! BY DOING THIS YOU MAKE IT ABOUT CHOICE, AND NOT FAILING!!! Good luck, have fun, and enjoy!!! x x x

PRACTICALLY SUGAR FREE ME WORKSHOP DETAILS Date. Saturday 18th March 2017 Venue: Georgian Hotel, Haslemere (Car parking available. The hotel is a 10-15 minute walk from Haslemere station, and is in the centre of Haslemere.) Time: Starting promptly at 10am (please arrive about 10 minutes before). Finishing aprox 1.15 Cost: £25 (£10 non refundable deposit to be paid at time of booking, full payment by Sunday 5th March). Includes Practically A Sugar Free Me Pack , and a tea/coffee during the break. Course: Topics I hope to include on the course will be : Sugar/hidden sugars, the effect sugar can have on the body, our relationship with sugar, sugar detox, and .how to go sugar free. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS WORKSHOP IS AIMED TO BE FUN , RELAXED, AND INFORMATIVE AND THESE TOPICS ARE ONLY A GUIDE. To book your place, or for more details please message me via my Practically A Sugar Free Me page. Or you can email me at Places are limited , and likely to get booked out quickly. If you are interested in coming along, I encourage you to take a look at my blog if you haven’t already. It will give you a flavour (pardon the pun), of what the workshop involves.


I am really excited to announce I have just booked the venue for my first ever PRACTICALLY A SUGAR FREE ME WORKSHOP!!

It will be held on Saturday 18th March, at the Georgian Hotel, Haslemere, Surrey . U.K.

Plenty more details to follow. But I wanted to let all my blog followers, and Practically A Sugar Free Me facebook followers know first, in case you might be interested in coming.

More details to follow…….

Are sugar detox symptoms really THAT bad?!

Firstly I am really excited to share with you that this week , this blog had it’s 1000th visitor. Not only that, but it hit it’s 11 month anniversary too. Thank you for all your support. I genuinely do appreciate all your likes, comments, shares, and support. WOW!!! I am absolutely amazed. I set up this blog because I simply wanted to share my experiences of giving up sugar with others. I wanted others to know that it is do able!!

So are sugar detox symptoms really THAT bad?! I have written before about my experiences of detox. But following on from this, having been watching the television programme Sugar Free Farm this week, I’ve been inspired to mention it again. For those that don’t know Sugar Free Farm is a reality tv show in the UK. It follows the experiences of 7 celebrities who go live on a farm for 2 weeks. They give up sugar, and do jobs on the farm.

This week was the second episode. In each episode so far, one of the celebrities has been taken to hospital to be checked out because of extreme detox symptoms. One is even tested for diabetes. What I wanted to say was NOT all detox symptoms are this extreme. I certainly haven’t heard of people being taken to hospital because of sugar detox. So if any of you have been watching this PLEASE do not let this put you off. My experience of going sugar free was DEFINITELY NOT LIKE THESE ONES!!! Yes, detox of anything can be unpleasant. But it certainly doesn’t mean you are going to end up taking a trip to hospital!!

As I always say I am not a medic, or health professional . Nor do I work in the fitness industry. BUT my own experience has shown me that sugar detox isn’t always this extreme. For my part I was exhausted, my mouth was dry, my emotions heightened, and I might have had a slight headache. I was at the time grieving for my grandmother who had died just weeks before. So it is hard sometimes for me to determine which was detox, and which was grief. However I don’t think my detox symptoms lasted too long. Certainly by 6 weeks I was beginning to see the AMAZING results. My skin, and hair were looking in much better condition. My eyes were brighter, and clearer. I was happier, less stressed and anxious. And I had lost weight!!

I contrast  my experience last with one I had 14 years ago. I had gone on a strict detox diet for health reasons (I had M.E/CFS). I gave up sugar, caffeine , dairy products, and yeast. My detox symptoms back then were far more extreme. And I believed as a result of this suffered from social anxiety, and depression. Although I can’t be 100% on this one. However even then I didn’t get taken to hospital! It was because of my experience back then, that when I decided to give up sugar this time I approached with caution. I definitely didn’t want to end up in that state again…ever!!!! So that is why I decided to just give up sugar at first, anything else could come later. I wanted to minimise the effect on my body, and emotions!! However I was prepared for some detox symptoms.

When detoxing it is useful to be aware that the detox is happening for a reason. Over a period of time, months ,years even, the body has got used to having this stuff. Then suddenly it stops, and your body reacts to that. This certainly suggests to me that detox happens when we eat stuff that isn’t good for us, and our body doesn’t need it. I have never heard of vegetable, and salad detox symptoms!!! Detox isn’t pleasant, but the end results were certainly for me worth it!!!

Here are just a few points to consider when detoxing:

  • Plan when you do it e.g maybe not when you start a new job, or are unwell.
  • How are you going to do it?! Slowly, and gradually. Or all at once. If you are quitting sugar maybe don’t give up fruit (I didn’t). And if it’s going to be hard keep natural sugars like honey, and maple syrup. But keep to a minimum. I didn’t do this, but I know others have.
  • Drink lots of water, and I mean LOTS. The more you drink the quicker ALL the sugar and toxins will flush out of your system.
  • Get lots of sleep, and early nights.
  • Get lots of fresh air!!
  • Just keep going , and keep occupied!!
  • REMEMBER this detox feeling WON’T last forever!!


I hope this helps some of you, that might be worried or concerned about detoxing from sugar. In my humble experience, the symptoms are really not that bad. I know everyone is different. But having done this for over a year now,  and gone from being the biggest sweet tooth around, I really believe the outcome is worth it!!







Practically A Sugar Free Me

Cinnamon has helped me along my sugar free journey. It adds a lot of sweetness to food!! Apple, and Cinnamon porridge in the mornings has got me through the last few weeks. Very filling, so sweet, and no sugar!! Having done a bit of internet surfing, I also discovered there are a lot of health benefits too.

Apparently cinnamon can do the following. (I only got this from internet research, so don’t hold me to it. But nonetheless it makes interesting reading)

  • Control insulin levels
  • Decreases blood sugar
  • Speeds metabolism
  • Helps burn belly fat
  • Supresses appetite
  • Lowers some cholesterol

I tend to add mine to porridge, or stewed fruit. But initially I used to have a teaspoon in hot water . Though I think they suggest either don’t do it every day or just do it every day short term, for no more than 2 weeks.

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Mindfulness and food.

Something I have realised since giving up sugar is , that in a strange way sugar desensitised my taste buds. Crazy, considering how I supposedly used to love sweet foods. I have realised over the past year a lot of my unhealthy eating was for many reasons. None of them relating to the actual taste of food. It shocked me to realise that I have spent years shovelling unhealthy sweet treats into my mouth, and not stopped to consider the actually taste!!! I mean isn’t the whole point of eating, or a large part of it the taste!!! I have realised that aside from all the emotional eating that I have touched on in the past, I was eating for the sake of it!!! I didn’t even stop to savour the taste, and flavours!!! Actually maybe If I had I would have stopped to consider what I was actually eating!!

A couple of years ago I did a Mindfulness course. One of the activities involved a raisin. We had to feel it, smell it, look at it etc. The purpose being to focus on being in the moment. Since giving up sugar I have become more aware of eating mindfully. Something I don’t think I had done before. Or at least for a very long time. I am much more aware of taste. I eat more slowly now. I’m more aware of when I am full up. Also if I am actually hungry, and want to eat something for enjoyment. Or whether I am eating something for the sake of it!!  Above all I recognise if something has sugar in straight away!!

So whether you are deciding to give up sugar or not, this is something you might like to try.


  • Before you eat anything have a glass of water. Did you know a lot of people eat when they are actually dehydrated
  • THINK about why you are eating?! Is this because you are hungry?! Or emotional eating, tired eating, angry eating, sad eating, or lonely eating? If it is perhaps you can try something else instead. Go for a walk, a bath, write down your feelings, put on some music, or read a book. Anything that might distract you!
  • WHAT do you want to eat?! WHAT do you really feel like?
  • ONCE you have chosen what you are going to eat. Look at it, smell it, even feel it (if you like).
  • WHEN you eat, I encourage you to chew your mouthful 10 times. Not only will you feel fuller quicker. But you will also really taste the flavours of the food!! As you are doing so, think about is this a taste you enjoy!!


I know it might seem like a huge effort simply to eat something . But I promise you it can be really useful to do. It can reduce over eating, ensure that you are drinking enough liquid,  and get you thinking about your relationship with food. Best of all it could even help you shift a few pounds or kilos. If you are really keen maybe you could record all this in a food diary. Perhaps there are some regular food patterns that might emerge from it. Or maybe you might just realise that chocolate bar didn’t taste so great after all!!!


Kiwi fruit is a super fruit!!

Practically A Sugar Free Me

I have to be honest I have never been a big fan of kiwi fruit, I eat it fruit salads. Or if it is given to me , but otherwise I’ve never been much of a fan…..until now!!!

Last week I happened to have some in a fruit salad I had bought, and then whilst out shopping at the weekend noticed they were pretty cheap. So I thought I would get some, and see if I could re educate my taste buds!! Out of curiosity when I got home I googled kiwis to find out more about them. (Because that’s what you do when you give up sugar, you become some crazed healthy person. The type that if I am honest used to irrate me slightly, and now I’m one of them!!! lol.)Any way back to Kiwi’s ….wow!!! So many health benefits, I might actually HAVE to starting liking them!!!!!

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Firstly for all those you in the UK, you might be interested in the new television series Sugar Free Farm . It started on ITV1 last night, and follows a group of 7 celebrities, who give up sugar. I am not usually a fan of reality t.v, but I watched this last year , just as I started my sugar free journey. So it was interesting to watch it again this year. One year on from starting my own sugar free journey.

So sugar!!! What I have discovered over the last year is,  when you look at food labels they don’t always say sugar!!! As if giving up sugar isn’t hard enough we are expected to be able to translate food labels!!!! It doesn’t exactly encourage anyone to give up sugar!!!

Here are just a few alternative words/descriptions for sugar. All sugar in my experience is ultimately the same, and does the same thing. Although I have read , and am aware of others who continue with some natural sugars. A lot of the sugar free recipes I have found, can include natural sugars, such as honey or maple syrup. So it is always good to read the check the sugar free recipe first.  Below I have listed a few words to look out for:

  • Molasses (black treacle)
  • Glucose
  • Corn, and malt syrup
  • Lactose/Fructose
  • Syrup
  • Fruit juice
  • Sugar substitute
  • Agave syrup/nectar


Your own sugar free journey will be entirely personal to you, so I am not saying this is how to do it. This is the way I find works for me. The word sugar for me is a bit of a slippery slope. I am a bit of an all , or nothing girl!! However any amount of sugar you can reduce will have it’s benefits. So if a bit of honey or maple syrup is what you need , then maybe that is the best way for you. Most importantly I would say is to read the label, and make yourself aware of what sugars are included in a product.





1 year anniversary of going practically sugar free

A year ago yesterday I gave up sugar, and in that time my life has changed dramatically. I am delighted to say that I have lost 2 stone 5lbs (33lbs/16.5kg) from simply giving up sugar. I never would have thought that just making one change in my diet, would make such a difference to my life.


When I started this I was cautious. Worried about the detox, whether I could actually do this. I loved sugar , it was my only vice. If I was ever feeling down , unhappy or depressed I would usually turn to something sweet. Or to celebrate an achievement, or big event I would treat myself to something high in sugar content. I have had a lot of ill health, and when I was at home feeling unwell it was always so easy to snack on something sweet. I had yo yo dieted for a few years. This wasn’t helped by an underactive thyroid which I couldn’t get under control, and had gone undiagnosed for years. So when I decided to give up sugar last year it was a REALLY big deal. But I was determined to lose weight for my brothers wedding.

During the first few weeks of going sugar free, I drank loads of water, and was exhausted. But I surprised myself and kept going. It really wasn’t as bad as I thought. For the first time in my life I felt liberated. Because I couldn’t find a sugar free plan that worked for me, I decided to ignore plans/diets, and simply do it my way!! I just cut out sugar!! I still allowed myself burgers, pizzas, chips, and all sorts of food many other diets wouldn’t allow. I was surprised to notice that I was beginning to lose weight. How could this be? I wasn’t on a diet, I was eating what I wanted, when I wanted. All I had done was cut out sugar.

I ditched the scales too. For years I have been a slave to the scales. Weighing myself continuously. Even to the extent I would weigh what clothes I wore to slimming! But I decided that I was being controlled by the number on the scales. Eating what I wanted,  ditching the scales, and losing weight how could this happen??!! But it was. Within six weeks I noticed my skin, and hair was in much better condition. My eyes were brighter, and clearer too. I started to have more energy, and my mum noted I appeared to be happier.

As I continued I began to read up about sugar. I quickly realised for years I had missed the very obvious! Sugar can have a very negative effect on physical and emotional well being. Yes, I had heard about what sugar could do, and how too much sugar is bad for you. But I just glossed over it. What I didn’t realise was how addictive sugar could be, and how it also slows the metabolism down. Then there were all the hidden sugars, that in my naivety had ignored. The more I read, and the further into sugar free eating, I continued the more I realised what a negative impact sugar can have. I saw tremendous benefits to my life in going sugar free, and wanted to share what I learnt with others.

Losing weight, and getting fit was quite simple, and FREE!! All you needed to do was give up sugar, and walk!! Sounds simple I know. But it really can be. Like all things in life it takes getting used too. I was knocked out by the strong smell of sugar when I stopped eating it. Then I realised how easy it was to just grab sugar on the run as it were. I started planning ahead , and looking for alternatives. I got creative in the kitchen. Cinnamon is a great natural sweetener, so are almonds. Believe it or not as I continued it got easier.

One of the things I have noticed with giving up sugar is, that your body might change shape dramatically. But the pounds take a little longer to come off. I found this at times frustrating, and it would have been easy to give up. But I am so glad I continued, because one year on I can really see the difference. Whilst I would have liked to have lost more pounds/kilos, I am delighted to have lost as many as 4 dress sizes. From as high as a UK size 20/18 , and now delighted to be a UK size 12.

So my year is up, and it would be so easy to think I have done. But this experience has quite simply changed my life. In fact it is a way of life, sorry to sound like a cliché. I am turning into someone I don’t like. I never thought I would an advocate of healthy living. I mean how BORING!!! But I genuinely feel like a different person. In fact after years of struggling with my weight, I now feel liberated!! My journey continues, and so will this blog. I hope this might encourage some of you to give this a go.