Why do we eat sugar? And what fuels our sugar eating?

So this week I had a really lovely surprise…….Mum , and have the same dress in exactly the same colour. Her’s is two sizes smaller than mine!!! I was going to a prize presentation on Thursday night, and wanted to wear this dress. But discovered it hadn’t washed properly. Mum suggested I borrow hers, I was really sceptical , however I tried it anyway. Imagine my delight when I discovered it fitted!!! So below is a then and now picture. The first picture is me Christmas day 2015, and the last is me in mum’s dress on 25th August 2016!!!! I was soooo pleased.

I’ve also started looking at my eating psychology coach course work. One of the first things it touches on is , why we eat!! I think this is something I have touched on before , but I think it is always worth looking at and reflecting on. I truly believe after the last few months that looking at, and understanding our relationship with food is half the battle. I know in the past I have been a serious comfort eater. I have eaten when I have been stressed, sad , or angry. I’ve eaten because I have had low self worth, and hated and loathed myself. It saddens me think this looking back, but it’s true. When I was 19 I used to have or get the 3 F’s FAT, FED UP, AND FRUMPY. I felt miserable and in hindsight I know this fueled my emotional eating. I would keep stuffing down the sugary foods to supposedly make myself feel better, to ease the pain. In reality it was probably fueling it, and I imagine I felt disgusted with myself. It is a horrible place to be, and somewhere I don’t wish to re visit. But it does happen, and I know I am not alone. I used to see myself as fat, and ugly and hate myself. The more I ate the more I use to loathe myself. The truth was at times sugar, and sweet stuff were my only comfort.

I am a long way from where I used to be now. Whilst comfort eating ended for me a long time ago, it took me a while longer to stop the sugar eating. Because not only was it a source of comfort, I also celebrated with sugar too. If I lost a few pounds at my slimming group I would leave there, and go straight to the bakery to celebrate. Crazy I know. Or else I would have a good day, or something special would happen and I would celebrate with a large bar of fruit and nut. The reality was I probably wasn’t doing myself any favours.

Regardless of why we eat sugars it is useful to contemplate why we eat, and what fuels our eating.


me then and now

6 Months of Practically A Sugar Free Me Blog!!

This week marked 6 months since I set this blog up. I genuinely can’t believe it. 6 months ago I set up this little blog, because I wanted to share what I learnt about giving up sugar.

6 months later, I am still doing the sugar free thing myself. This blog has had over 700 visits, and well over a thousand views. I have set up at Facebook Practically Sugar Free Me Page, which now has 170 likes. I am truly astounded. Thank you so much to every single one of you, that have supported this blog and/or my facebook page. Those of you that have followed this for a while, will know how much I LOVED sugar before I started this. Yet giving up sugar really did change my life. I NEVER imagined I would get used to it, let alone want to share positive experiences with others!!

When I initially started this I had no idea where it would lead. I simply wanted to let people know about the effects sugar can have you, and share with others my positive experiences. 6 months on I am still committed to the sugar free things, and very excited to keep sharing my experiences, on this blog , my facebook page, and in anyway I can.

And now I have some more news that I am super excited about!!!!!! This week I signed up to do an Eating Psychology Coach Course……ME DOING AN EATING PSYCHOLOGY COACHING!!!! A year ago I would NEVER have considered that. So now I am hoping set myself up as holistic wellbeing therapist, and by doing so I am hoping I can support anybody that might be struggling with food issues. This includes anyone who might want to give up sugar.

To any of you that want to change their eating habits, and give up sugar. Yet think it’s too hard or impossible, I want you to know this time last year I would have been that person!! I really believe if I can do it, anyone can do it!! Below is a then , and now picture which I hope might give you some encouragement. Wishing you well with your sugar free journey, however you choose to do it. xxx


Making going practically sugar free achievable for you!!

It’s been a while since I did a blog post , not because I have quit the whole sugar free thing. I am VERY, VERY proud to say I am still going strong with that. Those of you that are following my Practically Sugar Free facebook page, my mum was rushed to hospital a few weeks ago, and was incredibly poorly. Thankfully she is back now, and on her way to recovery . In addition to that with losing my gran last November, and my brothers wedding in June it has been a very full on, and emotional roller coaster 8 months. I love doing this blog, and my Practically Sugar Free Facebook page. Going practically sugar free has completely changed my life, and I want to share my positive experiences with others. I am at a crossroads now with how I develop this, I want to keep putting out useful information for people.

Anyway in all that’s happened recently I am contemplating on doing a life coaching course. I have did a small one years ago, and as a qualified counsellor I have used some elements of it in my work previously. This time though I have been contemplating it on a more personal level, and it got me thinking of how useful it could be to those wanting to give up sugar. So I thought I would share some bits that I have learnt, and read in case they might help others with giving up sugar.

In my experience , and it is limited! A lot of life coaching is around setting goals, and achieving them! Yes , that simple!! However a lot of us in life maybe set unrealistic goals, or targets then as soon as we don’t achieve them or think we have failed them we give up! Sound familiar ?! What life coaching seems to do is make achieving your goals possible!! Sounds good right?! So how to you do it?! Well this is my little version of how I would do it?!

  • 1. Firstly get a note book or diary not just anyone , make it special to you. Because by doing so you are valuing yourself! Can’t be bothered? No time etc? HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT YOUR LIFE TO CHANGE FOR THE BETTER? HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT TO QUIT SUGAR, LOSE WEIGHT, FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF?! This notebook or diary is 100% yours, there is no right or wrong. All you need is just a few minutes of your precious time a day to write in it.
  • 2. So next, what are your goals? Not goals suggested by others but yours. If you come up with three that’s AMAZING!! But if you can come up with just one that is great too!! It’s important to make goals manageable , and achievable . So rather than setting one us giving up sugar, break it down and keep it simple. Maybe to start with it could be cut out cake, and chocolate. Or maybe cut out one sugary item for a week. It’s always important to make it achievable.
  • 3. Set a time frame for it that way you are committed to seeing it through. For instance for one month , I am going to cut out all sugary drinks.
  • 4. How confident are you that you will achieve these goals? When thinking about your goals set ones that you feel confident about achieving. Be realistic. For instance losing 5 stone in 6 months, is pardon the pun a huge goal. Goals work better if they are achievable. If you set a goal that is almost impossible to achieve you won’t feel so committed or motivated to achieving it. How confident do you feel of achieving your goal ? If it’s anything between 7 and 10 out of 10. GREAT ….GO FOR IT!!! If you are less confident maybe it’s time to re set your goals.
  • Okay you have set your goals. Now time to think about the steps you are going to take to achieve the goals.
  • It’s always good record things. For example how I felt when I did this? How you felt when you achieve the goals etc?



So is giving up sugar worth it???!!! My journey so far!!!

To those of you that might not follow my Practically Sugar Free Facebook page, and even those that do, I thought I would update you on my progress. So on the 5th January this year, I had the crazy idea of giving up sugar. I had no idea how I would survive!!! It seemed rather a drastic thing to do, but I needed to lose weight and this seemed like the best way to do it. Best of all it was FREE!! I didn’t have to pay weekly fees, membership, or pay out lots of money on books , equipment etc. All I needed was some willpower. My motivator was being bridesmaid at my brothers wedding. They say the camera never lies, and back in January I dreaded the thought of me being the fattest , and oldest bridesmaid there.

I am delighted to say in just 7 months I have lost 25lbs nearly 2 stone , or 11.3 kg. So if you are looking  for a bit of motivation I hope this might help you. The then and now picture shows me the day before I started, and this weekend. Good luck everyone. For me this sugar free journey has definitely been worth it, and will continue!!





Potential effects too much sugar can have on your health.

Okay so I hate to be the bringer of doom, and bring up the idea that too much sugar can have an effect on your health. But yes it can!! I have been in denial over this for years, but I am afraid too much sugar over a long period of time can have negative effects to your health. I know that’s not what most people want to hear, but I am afraid it’s true. The more I read about sugar, and the longer I continue my own sugar free journey, the more I realise the impact too much sugar can have on our health.

Too much sugar can create mood swings, increased anxiety levels, lead to sleep issues, and I believe  M.E (Chronic fatigue),thyroid issues, IBS, Candida, stress, and various other long term illnesses. As I have said before I am not a Dr, but I have suffered from M.E twice, and have an under active thyroid. So my experiences of these illnesses have taught me a lot. Something I was interested to read recently was that thyroid disorders can be triggered by disturbances in sugar metabolism.

Something else I have read recently is that sugar levels can appear normal for a long period of time, before anything shows up. I would also say that sometimes illnesses take longer to show up in the blood . A few years ago I was linked to a nutrition clinic to help with my M.E. Whilst with the clinic they did several hair analysis to determine what the cause of my health issues were. Apparently things show up in your hair before they show in your bloods. Back then they detected an under active thyroid, something that didn’t come in my blood tests till some years later. So I really do believe it is possible for sugar levels to appear normal when maybe they aren’t.

As I have said before I am not a Dr or medic , but I seriously believe now that sugar overload can create a lot of physical, emotional, and mental health issues. We all like a bit of the sweet stuff, and that’s fine. I’m not saying all sugar is going to make us seriously ill. Just that continued long term sugar over load could effect your health. But that might not have anything to do with that delicious bar of fruit , and nut you are just about to bite into. Your sugar levels could have more to do with all that extra sugar you might not even be aware you are eating. The breakfast cereals, baked beans, healthy muesli bars, fat free meals.

For years I had long term health problems , and didn’t want to think that the one thing giving me some comfort , could be effecting my health. But the truth is it probably was.