Upgrade your health and wellbeing!!

So hello everyone, I hope wherever you are in the world, you are keeping safe and well. It’s a time that can bring up so many thoughts, and feelings whether you have suffered, or know anyone else that has suffered Covid 19, or not. Maybe you are out of work, isolated, caring for loved ones, or separated from loved ones at this time.

Some of you will be aware that I was struck down by Covid in March, and although much improved I still experience symptoms, I am definitely a Covid long hauler.So my thoughts and prayers go out to all you who have, or have had Covid 19.

At times like this it is so easy to want to comfort eat. There was a time in my life, where in these current circumstances, I would have eaten sugar, like it was going out of fashion, just to push down all the pain, fear, anxiety, and sadness I might have felt. Thankfully those days are over. So whilst I have indulged in the odd sweet item, I have on the whole stuck too my practically sugar free eating patterns.

So enough of me! This blog was never all about me…because that would be boring!! It was set up to help, and hopefully support some of you to going sugar free.

I recently read something that got me thinking, our computers, and phones have software upgrades. We upgrade our cars, electrical appliances, wardrobes, and many different things in our life. Yet I wonder how many of you ever stopped to look at upgrading your wellbeing??!! When was the last time you gave yourself an upgrade??!!

So often we look outward at what we want, need, or think we should have. Yet, when was the last time you looked inwards and thought about what from a physical, emotional, and spiritual perspective YOU need? Sometimes it can be easy to look, and project outwards because it can be less painful. However, it can be be more challenging to look inwards, and truthfully look at what we need in life. Whilst there might not be much we can do at this time, one of the things we can do, is take the time to reflect on where we are at, and where we would like to be? Do you deserve better? Do you want a better quality of life? Does your life deserve a bit of an upgrade?!

Okay, so here is the good bit, what if I said, there was a way YOU could upgrade your life for FREE, by changing just one thing??!! Does this sound tempting?? Well here it is, you can DO this??? By going practically SUGAR FREE you can upgrade your physical, and emotional wellbeing, YES YOU CAN!! In January I will have been practically SUGAR FREE for 5 years, yes 5 years!! I didn’t even think I would manage 5 days, or months but I have!

In that time so much has changed about my life and myself, that I really think this was the kick start, I needed. When I started on this journey, my whole life I believe, changed for the better.

I didn’t spend lots of money, or follow a plan. I didn’t buy lots of books. One day I decided enough was enough, and I cut out SUGAR. That meant going through my cupboards, changing my eating habits,kicking old habits, and adapting to a new way of life. BUT whilst it took a little while to adjust, within just 6 weeks I saw the most incredible results, and that’s what SOLD me on this whole idea, and led to this blog, and my PRACTICALLY A SUGAR FREE ME facebook page.

In just 6 weeks, I noticed the following . (I am sure there are many I have forgotten, but this gives you an idea.):

  • Increased energy
  • Improved hair condition
  • Improvement in sleep patterns
  • Improved skin condition
  • Weight loss
  • Less anxious and more relaxed.
  • Overall improvement in emotional wellbeing
  • My eyes were clearer and brighter

I would never have believed that I could have experienced so many changes in such a short space of time, but I did, and this is what SOLD me on the idea.

Believe it or not once I changed this part of my life, over time other areas of my life changed. I took control of my finances, rather than letting them control, and I am pleased to say just as I ditched SUGAR, I also ditched credit cards, and store cards too.

Going practically SUGAR FREE was something I would never have done if it hadn’t been for my brother and sister in law getting married, and asking me to be chief bridesmaid. If they hadn’t I might never have taken this path but I am so glad I did.

I am sharing below a then and now picture to show how going SUGAR FREE can change your physical appearance. I was particularly struck with how different my eyes look in the two pictures. The first picture was taken back in 2009 on my 39th birthday, the second was taken this year just a few days before, or after my 50th birthday in September 2020.

I hope that this post might inspire you to consider going PRACTICALLY SUGAR FREE. Wishing you all well wherever you are in the world. Thank you for your continued support, and interest. Take care and stay safe.

With love,

Tracy xxx