A new year, and a fresh start!

So here we are at the end of another new year. For me this normally involves reflecting back, whilst looking forward to the coming year too. 2018 has as many of you will be aware been a year of huge personal changes for me. It’s easy to keep the sugar free ‘thing’ going when you are on an even keel, yet far harder to keep it going when going through changes, and challenges. I am proud to say, I made it! A few years ago sugar was my comfort during challenging times, my sugar free journey has taught me, I don’t need it!!

I am super proud as I look back on 2018 that I have managed to continue raising awareness of going sugar free. In January I was pleased to run my third sugar free workshop in Haslemere, before  I moved away from the area. In June, I was over the moon and delighted that this blog was voted one of the top 5 sugar free blogs, and websites in the UK for 2018. In October I had a really busy month, I was honoured to be invited to give a talk to a small group of people at a gym about going sugar free. As a result I was invited to be interviewed by BBC Radio Cumbria as part of a wider item on adult obesity. I then also ran another sugar free workshop in Cumbria where I now live.

Three years ago, I can honestly say that I never even imagined I would be doing any of this. It certainly wasn’t in my plan! I didn’t even know if I could go sugar free for a week, let alone nearly three years! I know I sound like an old record sometimes, but going practically sugar free really did change my life! I really believe that anyone can do this. So if you are reading this maybe not quite believing that this is possible. Maybe wondering where on earth you even begin, I just want to say I have been there.

I have felt in that dark place, when I felt so overweight, life was rubbish, and I truly hated myself and how I looked. Every year I would make myself a million promises! I would promise myself things would be different, and maybe they were for a while, but I couldn’t maintain the diet, slimming etc! I am the first to admit that I haven’t found the perfect way to lose weight, and keep in shape. However I really believe I have found a much, much better way, and that is why I keep on blogging.

So as 2019 approaches just where do you start?! Here are a few points to consider.

  1. Take control
  2. Ditch the rule books, and find a way that works for you!!
  3. Change your mindset
  4. Why do you eat what you eat? Are you an emotional eater, comfort eater, habit eater, or angry eater?
  5. Do you eat mindfully? When you eat can you enjoy and taste the flavours?
  6. How much sugar do you eat a day?


Thank you everyone for your support over the last year. All the comments, likes, shares, and also feedback on my facebook page really do make a difference. Every single one truly makes my day, and reminds me why I do this!!

Wishing you all a very healthy, and happy 2019. May all that you wish for yourself come true. Keep believing anything is possible.

Lots of Love Tracy xxx

Sugar at Christmas, and keeping a balance!

Yet, again I apologise for my delay in posting. Life happened, and on top of that I have been unwell for what seems like weeks! Although in reality probably not that long!

Christmas can be a time of mixed emotions for so many different people. Whilst it can be wonderful for many others find it more of a challenge. Either way, I think it can be overwhelming with the hype, the outside pressure, financial pressure, and not to mention all that food. Most especially the sugary variety. Recently when I did my interview on BBC Radio Cumbria, some of those interviewed mentioned balance with regard to what we eat.  I totally agree with this. Whilst it is my sugar free experience has led me to blogging, I whole heartedly agree that finding a balance is really important. Not just with food but throughout life.

Christmas can be a time when it is hard to balance things, most especially food! Three years ago in 2015, at this time of year I was eating sugary foods like they were going out of fashion. Yes, really! If there was a machine recording how much sugar I ate it would have broken, I promise you!! I ate sugary foods to extreme, yet I wasn’t aware of what I was doing or the impact. Christmas for many myself included was a time to splash out, and enjoy after all it only happens once a year!  However I have lost count of the times I have thought, I shouldn’t have eaten that, or I have eaten too much! I am not much of a drinker, so sweet foods at Christmas were my thing. On reflection now, I hate for the sake of it, and not because I was enjoying it. Believe it or not there is a difference. Since cutting out sugar, I can actually taste the foods and different flavours now, and I can recognise when I have had enough.

Firstly, I am not going to blog here about a sugar free Christmas, because I have always said it is about choice, and there is no right or wrong. I absolutely stand by this. This is YOUR sugar free journey, you are in charge, and this for me is one of the keys to sugar free success. However knowledge is power, and awareness can really help you along the way. So to finish off, I am going to leave you with a few well known sugary items how much sugar they contain!! Please note all the sugary contents are approximate, and will vary. I just thought it might give you an idea of how much sugar is in items.Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas however you celebrate it.  xx


Mince Pie (65g size)  16.8g

A slice of Christmas Cake  (76g size slice) 44g

Christmas Pudding (113g)  52.4g

Shortbread (25g biscuit)  4.4g

Custard  (130g)  14.2g

Chocolate Yule Log (60g) 24.4g

Chocolates (100g) 90g